Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Monday!

Thomas is 6 months today!

Guess who is 6 months today???

He has been holding his own bottle for a while, I think Dad taught him that, and I have been wanting to take a picture of it for quite some time now... I finally did it today on his 6 mos picture.

Today I made a 12x12 scrapbook page for Ros, last week the girls (scrapbook club) organized a surprise farewell for Ros and they had a scrapbook album and a beautiful cake made to order for her and we all had to contribute with a page that would include Ros in it.
I did mine this week and used the pictures I had taken at the farewell party, that way she can remember that day. I kept it simple and used Not Quite Navy and Old Olive colors.
Have a great day!
Stampingly Me


Unknown said...

Soooo good to see pictures of Thomas and keep your great ideas coming! Jessica, Diane and I were together for our crafty night at the church and all were talking about how much we loved the blog and how it has gotten us "creatively motivated" again. :D


Anonymous said...

Hi Sofia,

I loved to see this great picture of Thomas...CONGRATULATIONS! Please send us more... we don't get enough....I have extraordinary news for you....guess.....are you coming over this Summer? We'd love to see you all.
I'll follow up on your blog every chance I get... it's very interesting...keep it up...loved to see the pictures of you guys...
we send our love and saudades,
Rita Avelar.

Rita Quintino de Avelar said...

Hi again...
great scrapbook...