Saturday, June 21, 2008


Thank You For Your Kindness!

So... I was bummed yesterday that I used bashful blue instead of soft sky...I had to make it right with the right colors and so this is it!
And now it qualifies for the Split Coast Stampers Color Challenge #171 - Soft Sky, Basic Black and Kraft

Was a little challenging to work with this colors, but that is what challenges are I guess...

Cute don't you think? I hope you like it!
Stamp sets: Seeing Spots and Simple Sayings II
Paper: Soft Sky, Basic Black, Kraft and WW
Ink: Basic Black, Soft Sky and Close to Cocoa
Other: Gingham Ribbon, Grosgrain Ribbon, Rhinestone, Two Way Glue, Postit and Paper Piercer Mat
I have Tennis in 20 minutes so I better go get ready. Chat with you later!
Have a great day!
Stampingly Me

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