Friday, June 6, 2008

That easy...

Bugs and Kisses!

This is the today's card, as I said yesterday I wanted to use the same colors as Thomas page, and why not the same set??? I tried it and loved it!
Was super quick that I had to come up with something else to add on.
As today was still my weekend, (Thursdays and Fridays on this side of the world) and I did not had much time, I wanted to do a quick one, but this one was too quick, I had to step it up.

Step it up!

I have to say that was a little time consuming cutting up the worm, he just has way too many spikes...But makes it fun!



Stamp Sets: Bugs and Kisses
Paper: Not Quite Navy, Bashful Blue, Pumpkin Pie and Whisper White
Ink: Not Quite Navy and Pumpkin Pie
Other: Stamping Dimensionals
That's it, can you believe it??? Its that easy and so super cute!
I will be playing in my room, lets see what comes next...
By the way if you have a Stamp Set that you would like to see featured in a project let me know. If I happen to own it I will try it on for you.
Stampin'Up! extended the date for the Occasions Mini Catalog
(the one that is still waiting for you to pick it up at my Mom in law...that one)
Its now good until June 30th
You can also view the catalogs on-line, just click on the link at the right.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Stampingly Me

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