Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A frame of mind...

Today's Quote
Take rest; a field that has
rested gives a bountiful crop.

My today's project is a frame freshly painted.
I have a class tomorrow for kids ages 6-8 and they will be painting their own frames so I felt like playing around a little and make Thomas a frame for his room.
I will be taking pictures of my students projects and post them. I can't wait, its going to be so much fun! I will tell you all about it tomorrow.
Stampingly Me


Rita Quintino de Avelar said...

WOW...giro, giro, giríssimo!Que filhote tão giro! Parabéns...tem ar de ser simpatico e muito bem disposto!I've already commented on another picture you posted of Thomas...look it up.
Are you guys coming over? E-mail me. How's Mafalda?And Don? We miss you all. Keep up your good work.It's very creative, I like it.
We send our love and saudades, Rita.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby!! Look at those blue eyes : )


Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!!