Thursday, June 5, 2008

At last...

Cute as a bug!

Hello girls, at last I posted Thomas pictures... Was a little challenging as I do not own (don't ask...) any Stampin'Up! 12x12 scrapbook solid paper and I do not have any 8-1/2x11 scrapbooks, so I decided I would go with 8x8 and this is the results...
I guess I have to order some 12x12's

Who's there???

For those who do not know this is my almost 6 months old son, Thomas! Isn't he cute??? Is the cutest!!!


The page was put together pretty quick, I like to have journaling on my pages, so I would use this one with a supportive page with maybe one more picture and journaling. The colors I picked were inspired by Thomas shirt...I am seeing potential color combos in many things these days...
Maybe tomorrow I will try a card with the same color combo. I like it!


Today I did not have much time to play. Since its the weekend for us, my time was mostly spent with the family. Only after we came back from dinner and put the kids to bed I went to my room and put the page together. Its simple and cute! A quickie...


Translated to Stampin'Up! colors they are:
Not Quite Navy, Pumpkin Pie, Bashful Blue and Whisper White.
And as you see no major techniques were used.


Well ladies, its my bed time now...I hope you are all well and wish to all of you a good rest of the day!
Stampingly Me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ò que coisinha mai linda da tia!!!!!!
Quero um desses para mim!!!!!!!